10 February 2008

Life has been fun and busy around h
ere lately because Dan's brother Eric and his wife Leanne are here visiting from England! We love when they come...especially Noah and I because then we actually have someone to hang out with us all day and do stuff with:)

Noah is getting more and more grown up by the second. It just amazes me how fast he is learning and growing. Every day he does new things that tell me he is understanding the world around him more and starting to realize that he can make things
happen and doesn't have to wait for mommy to do it! He is a huge fan of patty-cake and the itsy-bitsy-spider right now. He loves to be scared and is almost always a happy little guy.
Noah LOVES other little kids and just laughs and laughs when they play with him. He is fascinated as he watches the other kids run around and play.

We LOVE that daddy is a photographer (at least I do:)) and it's so fun to have such a talented husband! Yay for pictures!!
! These are some pictures he took yesterday...

1 comment:

Lindz said...

I LOVE his little blue coat!! And I am so jealous that you get to have pics done WHENEVER you want!! No fair!! =) Noah is getting so big & is the cutest thing ever...I love all his little teeth! So cute!

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